November 13, 2019

Dubai Taxi obtains ISO Certification in training drivers Outside Formal Education

RTA’s Dubai Taxi Company (DTC) has obtained ISO 29993 Certificate in training drivers Outside Formal Education from Bureau Veritas. Effectively, it has become one of the first government entities in Dubai to obtain such a high standard.

Dubai Taxi obtains ISO Certification in training drivers Outside Formal Education

RTA’s Dubai Taxi Company (DTC) has obtained ISO 29993 Certificate in training drivers Outside Formal Education from Bureau Veritas. Effectively, it has become one of the first government entities in Dubai to obtain such a high standard.

Dr Yousef Mohammed Al Ali, CEO of Dubai Taxi Company, received the certificate from Marwan Al Aridi, Certification Manager and Michael Moreno, Vice President of the ISO-awarding company, in the presence of several officials from both parties.

“Obtaining ISO Certificate in training drivers Outside Formal Education is a testament to the sound approach of Dubai Taxi Company in developing the human resources and enhancing their driving skills in handling safety issues as well as their attitude to passengers and tourists.

“DTC has recently opened a fully-fledged centre for training drivers at Al Muhaisnah fitted with innovative and hi-tech training tools to serve the smart learning programme. It also has a computer lab and a competency assessment centre run by highly qualified instructors. All these endeavours focus on delivering a 5-star service to customers and realise DTC’s vision of "Pioneers in Safe, Reliable and Smart Transport Services."

“DTC has recently opened a fully-fledged centre for training drivers at Al Muhaisnah fitted with innovative and hi-tech training tools to serve the smart learning programme. It also has a computer lab and a competency assessment centre run by highly qualified instructors. All these endeavours focus on delivering a 5-star service to customers and realise DTC’s vision of "Pioneers in Safe, Reliable and Smart Transport Services."

Al Ali was excited with obtaining this certificate as it reflects the improvements in taxi training programmes and human resources development. DTC is always keen to introduce new and innovative training initiatives to upscale their abilities and better represent the Company. Special attention is made to traffic safety aspects to protect lives and properties and contribute to the high image of Dubai.

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